Jackson Beach Restoration Phase I


    San Juan County Marine Program worked with the San Juan County Marine Resources Committee to remove a derelict pier structure at the popular Jackson Beach on San Juan Island. The derelict creosote pilings and dolphins were all that remained of a former gravel production operation that sourced gravel at what is now the LaFarge Open Space, located upland from the beach across Pear Point Road, on San Juan Island. The remaining piles were the support structures for a barge pier which was used for loading gravel onto commercial barges for transport to other locations.

    The project successfully removed 132 piles from the nearshore environment in October 2023.  These piles were a significant source of toxic creosote contamination to the marine environment and their removal was long overdue. 

    Funding: This project received $212,000 in Federally Direct Funds, administered through the Northwest Straits Commission.

    Project Factsheet: Jackson Beach Piling Removal

    This project is being undertaken using Federal funds under award NA22NMF4690358 from NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

    Mackaye Harbor Shoreline Restoration

    The Mackaye Harbor shoreline restoration project on Lopez Island took place in August and September 2022. The project saw over 1,000 cubic yards of rock and shoreline armor removed from a 0.6-mile stretch of shoreline on public and private property around the County dock and boat launch. The material removed included shoreline bank armor, extensive armor scatted on the beach, and a historic shoreline road. In addition, beach nourishment was added to the site, and native marine riparian plants were planted. This effort opened a large sandy bluff to feed the shoreline habitat. The project restored spawning habitat for surf smelt and potentially sand lance, both forage fish species that are important prey to salmon and other species of marine mammals, birds, and fish in the San Juans.

    Funding: This project received a total of $397,695 in Salmon Recovery funding from RCO and the County provided $13,877 in required match.

    Project Factsheet: Mackaye Harbor Shoreline Restoration

    Weeks Point Way Shoreline Restoration

    San Juan County Marine Program is undertaking a small shoreline restoration project at the Weeks Point Way road end and adjacent pocket park on Lopez Island. This public site has been identified as one that would benefit from restoration to restore the natural functioning of the shoreline, improve forage fish spawning habitat, and improve the access and enjoyment of the public beach and adjacent pocket park. The beach has been identified as potential forage fish spawning habitat and a surf-smelt egg was discovered at the site in 2020. Additionally, the Fisherman Bay Spit and Preserve, directly across from the project site is a documented Pacific Sand lance spawning location. The goal of this project is to improve conditions of nearshore processes (such as sediment supply and connectivity) and on-site beach and backshore habitat which are needed to sustain nearshore habitats for spawning and rearing forage fish, out-migrating juvenile salmonids, and other species that utilize the nearshore including adult salmon.

    Funding: This project received $85, 313 in State Salmon Recovery funds 

    Project Factsheet: coming soon! 

    Mitigating contamination to nearshore habitat through creosote pilings.

     Creosote treated wood pilings are a significant source of contamination to nearshore environments of the Salish Sea. As creosote leaches into the marine environment, it impacts forage fish spawning habitat, valuable eelgrass beds, and other nearshore habitats and species. Creosote vapors also pose a risk to human health. Removing creosote treated material from the marine environment is a priority for San Juan County. This project resulted in a comprehensive countywide inventory of pilings and structures in the nearshore waters of the county to determine the extent of creosote remaining where it is, and its proximity of environmentally, economically, and culturally important habitats.

    This project inventories 509 sites across 26 islands. Counted 8,076 piles, of which 5,850 (72%) were identified as creosote. 

    Funding: This project received $100,000 through the Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead, This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J89501 through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

    Project Factsheet: Mitigating contamination to nearshore habitat through creosote pilings. 

    Final Inventory Report: San Juan County Creosote Structure Assessment Report and Map Book.