2025 Comp Plan Update: Land Use Element Available for Review
SAN JUAN COUNTY, WA. January 3, 2025 – San Juan County is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) as part of its 2025 Growth Management Act Periodic Update – and your input is welcome! Today, the draft documents for Element 2, Land Use are available for review and public comment.
En Español: La actualización del Plan Integral del condado de San Juan es un proceso vital que forja el porvenir de la comunidad. Sus ideas nos son esenciales, y puede participar de varias maneras. Guía para participar en la actualización del Plan Integral del condado de San Juan.
The San Juan County Planning Commission will review the draft Element 2, Land Use and Rural amendments at their January 17, 2025 meeting. The meeting agenda is available HERE. Agenda items related to the Comprehensive Plan Update include:
- Draft amendments to:
- Element 2, Land Use and Rural: https://www.sanjuancountywa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/31554/
Public comments specific to this element can be submitted by January 16 for review at the Planning Commission meeting on January 17, though comments may be submitted at any time throughout the update process. Send comments to: compplan@sanjuancountywa.gov.
Public Engagement
The Comp Plan Update shapes the future of our community and there are several ways you can participate:
- Provide written feedback: Written comments provide an opportunity to share detailed thoughts, concerns, or suggestions. Written comments can directly impact the policies and priorities outlined in the plan. To submit feedback, email your comments or questions to compplan@sanjuancountywa.gov.
- Speak at a Planning Commission meeting: The Planning Commission meets monthly on the third Friday of the month at 8:30am. These meetings are open to the public with “Public Access Time” at the beginning of each meeting, where anyone can share their input. Check the meeting agenda to see which elements will be discussed that month.
- Stay Informed: Regular updates help you understand the process, follow developments, and participate effectively. View the Guide to Getting Involved in the Comp Plan Update (en Español) to learn more about reviewing draft amendments during this project.
Over the coming months, the County will begin reviewing specific elements in an effort to ensure consistency with state laws and the expected population and employment projections for the next 20 years. The County's goal is to adopt the Comp Plan update by June 30, 2025.
For additional information about the Comp Plan Update process including upcoming meetings, agendas, past drafts, and new documents to review, visit https://engage.sanjuancountywa.gov/2025-comp-plan-update and https://www.sanjuancountywa.gov/589/Planning-Commission.

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