2025 Comprehensive Plan Update

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San Juan County is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) with support from a consultant team and a grant from the Department of Commerce. All counties, cities, and towns in Washington state planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) are required to periodically review and update comprehensive plans and development regulations to ensure consistency with state laws and the expected population and employment projections for the next 20 years. The County's goal is to adopt the Comp Plan update by June 30, 2025.

The 2025 Comp Plan update process includes:

  • Implementing a public participation plan

  • Reviewing and incorporating GMA changes into the Comp Plan (see FAQs)

  • Updating data and conducting analyses

  • Analysis under the State Environmental Policy Act

  • Advisory committee meetings

  • Planning Commission work sessions and hearings

  • County Council meetings and hearings

San Juan County is developing a new Climate Element as part of its broader climate resilience planning efforts. The Climate Element is being developed separately and in coordination with the Comp Plan update. For more information, please visit the project webpage HERE.

More information, including public participation opportunities, drafts, and hearing dates, will be added to this page as they become available.

San Juan County is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) with support from a consultant team and a grant from the Department of Commerce. All counties, cities, and towns in Washington state planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) are required to periodically review and update comprehensive plans and development regulations to ensure consistency with state laws and the expected population and employment projections for the next 20 years. The County's goal is to adopt the Comp Plan update by June 30, 2025.

The 2025 Comp Plan update process includes:

  • Implementing a public participation plan

  • Reviewing and incorporating GMA changes into the Comp Plan (see FAQs)

  • Updating data and conducting analyses

  • Analysis under the State Environmental Policy Act

  • Advisory committee meetings

  • Planning Commission work sessions and hearings

  • County Council meetings and hearings

San Juan County is developing a new Climate Element as part of its broader climate resilience planning efforts. The Climate Element is being developed separately and in coordination with the Comp Plan update. For more information, please visit the project webpage HERE.

More information, including public participation opportunities, drafts, and hearing dates, will be added to this page as they become available.

  • Public Participation Coming Soon!

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    San Juan County's Department of Community Development has spent the spring and summer working on the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update. These efforts have included working on the Land Capacity Analysis and Housing Needs Assessment. You can access the draft methodology document here: https://engage.sanjuancountywa.gov/23876/widgets/80731/documents/58392.

    As fall approaches, staff are eager to engage the public in a series of events on San Juan, Orcas, and Lopez Islands. These events (dates to be announced soon) will serve as opportunities for the public to learn, engage, and provide valuable feedback to the County.

    Stay up to date on future meetings and engagement opportunities by subscribing to this project page. In the upper right corner of this screen, locate the 'STAY INFORMED' box and click the 'SUBSCRIBE' button. You'll need to sign into your account or register with your email to be notified of updates.

    In the meantime, County staff will continue to present progress updates at regularly scheduled Council meetings. Find the Council meeting calendar here: https://sanjuancowa.portal.civicclerk.com/?category_id=27.

    Do you have questions about the 2025 Comp Plan Update? Contact Sophia Cassam at sophiac@sanjuancountywa.gov.

  • First Draft Public Participation Plan

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    supporting image

    The Comprehensive Plan update process includes opportunities for the public to learn, engage, and provide valuable feedback to the County. A Public Participation Plan will guide the County's engagement efforts during this project.

    The first draft of the Public Participation Plan is now available. The Planning Commission will review and comment on the draft at their May 17, 2024 meeting. Feedback from the public, Planning Commission, County Council, and County staff will be incorporated into the draft in the coming weeks.

    See the first draft Public Participation Plan here: https://www.sanjuancountywa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/29692/

    Please submit any comments on the Public Participation Plan to Sophia Cassam at sophiac@sanjuancountywa.gov by May 27, 2024.